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Peter Robbins

Dr. Peter Robbins is one of Ireland’s foremost experts in innovation and new product and service development.
His particular expertise is in Design Thinking. He is a former Global Director of Innovation Excellence for GSK. His area of research is how firms organize for innovation.
He was head of the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University until January 2019 when he joined DCU’s growing Business School where he works as an Associate Professor.
He has been published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, R&D Management, the Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, the Irish Journal of Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, London Strategy Review and regularly speaks at international conferences and corporate events on the subject of managing creativity and innovation.
Peter lectures in the DCU Business School where he is a member of the Irish Institute for Digital Business: DotLAB research group as well as the National Centre for Family Business. Peter consults with corporations to help them refine their innovation strategies and processes with the aim of accelerating innovation projects.

Research Areas:

The types of projects he is interested in supervising include:
Corporate Innovation structure, process, leadership, culture, digital transformation, open innovation programmes. Project looking at innovation processes: design thinking: creativity; Art Thinking.