Neil has previously mentored 19 Postdoctoral Researchers and supervised 33 PhDs to completion. His research is strongly collaborative and involves multiple stakeholders including industry and policy makers. Neil has a strong track record in coordinating and partnering on complex interdisciplinary projects and is currently funded under Interreg Neptunus, MSCA RISE ICHYTHYS, MSCA DIGI+, MSCA MedTrain, Erasmus Plus, RUN-EU).
Neil’s researcher also involves risk mitigation, modeling (methods and transnational) that spans Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) discovery phase (1 -3) to commercial deployment (7-9). Neil holds Adjunct Professorships to several leading universities (University of Galway, Ireland; University of Malaya, Malaysia; University KwaZulu Natal, South Africa). Neil is very much a people person, and commensurately focuses on career path development and professional development of mentored staff along with conducting world-class research. Neil reviews under European Innovation Council for Pathfinder Programme.
He is Funding Investigator in SFI CURAM Medical Device Centre and is Horizon Europe Mentor for university staff under THEA. Neil also manages the Centre for Disinfection and Sterilization and the Empower Eco Sustainability Research Group that sits under the umbrella of BRI. Neil red COVID-19 response in the area of PPE supply chain, and reprocessing under EUA.
He appears in 2023 University of Stanford and ScholarGPS lists that combine recognise top 0.05% of scientists globally for research. He is also PI for “EmpowerEco” green innovation at TUS that includes developing peatlands under EU JTF for demonstration of new products. His H factor is 50 with 10.2k citations.
Types of projects he is looking to supervise:
Advancing medical device innovation through digital tools by smart design and future proofing of features for optimal reprocessing.
Advancing bioeconomy through digital transformation by transitioning peatlands-based aquaculture processes for both circularity and food security including climate adaptation
Research Areas: