Dr. Zohreh Pourzolfaghar is Assistant Professor in Management Information System (MIS), and Director of the IT-Enable Innovation Programme at the School of Business, Maynooth University (Zohreh Pourzolfaghar | Maynooth University & Digital Construction Archives – Innovation Value Institute (ivi.ie)). She is also the lead of the Digital Construction cluster at the Innovation Value Institute (IVI), MU.
She is member of Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software. She is a senior research member of the Business Informatics Group (IVI), and the theme lead in a project investigating the application of Enterprise Architecture in Smart Cities.
Zohreh’s research interests include information management in the construction business. She is the cluster lead for the Digital Construction cluster (https://ivi.ie/project_category/digital-construction/) at Innovation Value Institute. Zohreh is the Co-PI for several European projects, including EnTrust MSCA DN (https://entrustdn.eu/), DIGI+ MSCA co-fund (https://digipluscofund.eu/), STEFORA Erasmus KA2, DigiFABs Erasmus+, Vision EPA project, and GDI-IE (DG-CNCT).
Zohreh regularly participates in proposal writing for national and European funding calls. Since 2020, she has been engaged in the submission of eight proposals, two of which have been funded for 2022. Zohreh formerly served as the theme lead for a Science Foundation Ireland-funded study investigating the applicability of Enterprise Architecture in Smart Cities. She has been Principal Investigator (PI) for an Industry Fellowship Programme, funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) awarded in 2018, and PI for two Innovation Voucher (IV) projects in collaboration with industry, funded by Enterprise Ireland.
Zohreh presented her work at international conferences and has published research in Journals and Conference Proceedings. Zohreh has published her research findings in international journals and conference proceedings. Zohreh has been leading research for Cost Action CA16222 (WISE-ACT), a European-wide network. She served as topic lead for the successful European PERFORM MSCA ITN project, as well as a member of the core management team, the supervisory board, and the project’s research coordination committee.
Research Areas:
Digitalisation Information in construction industry
Digital Transformation in small/medium businesses
Interoperability issues between software environments generating building projects information