“Dr Ruairi O’Reilly is a lecturer in Computer Science at Munster Technological University (MTU) in Cork, Ireland. His research focuses on integrating automated analytics into workflows requiring expert knowledge. The primary application domain is e-health, combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and distributed systems into scalable clinical workflows. The intent is to contribute an understanding of the inherent limitations of analysis approaches, the data associated with clinical analysis, and the complexity of the multi-stakeholder perspectives required.
For this call: Dr O’Reilly is looking for projects in the areas of systems analysis for workflow-based processes, Open-source AI and FAIR ML. Topics include:
– Open-Source AI-Powered Clinical Workflow Optimisation
– FAIR-Compliant Data Integration Platform for Distributed Clinical Settings
– Distributed Learning Frameworks for Clinical Predictive Analytics
– Open-Source Tools for Assessing and Enhancing the Fairness of AI Models in Clinical Applications
– Interoperable, FAIR-Compliant Clinical Decision Support System
Research Areas:
Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Representation, Data Visualisation, Knowledge & Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Multimodal analytics, Distributed Architectures, Real-time data acquisition