Home / Supervisors / Rob Brennan


Rob is co-Principal Investigator in the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Empower Data Governance project and a Funded investigator in the SFI ADAPT Research Centre for AI-enabled Digital Content. Rob leads the Value and Risk research challenge within the ADAPT Transparent Digital Governance research strand. He co-founded the MA in Privacy and Data Protection with Computing at DCU. HE is the co-leader of the data governance workstream of the Irish National Maternity Quality and Safety Signals programme.
He was coordinator of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie project ELITE-S on ICT standards, the AI in My Life project to develop AI and privacy workshops for 15-16 year olds, the ADAPT-Ordnance Survey Ireland (Tailte Eireann) project publishing Ireland’s reference geospatial data as Linked Data on the web and the ARK (Access Risk Knowledge) project with the TCD Centre for Innovative Human Systems (School of Psychology) and St James’s Hospital Dublin. He was the co-creator and coordinator of the €4 million H2020 ALIGNED project on software and data engineering.
He completed his PhD at Dublin City University in 2005, where he was a work package leader in ACTS-MARINER and a researcher in IST-CADENUS.
He is the author of over 140 peer-reviewed research papers, and has over 1600 citations He is also an editor or named contributor to 5 international standards on internet and telecommunications technology at the OMG, IETF, 3GPP and TMF.
The types of projects he is looking to supervise are Data Governance, AI Governance, Data Quality, Data Value and risk management especially with healthcare, data protection or cybersecurity applications.

Research Areas:

Data Governance, Data Quality, AI governance, Data Protection, Knowledge Graphs,