Home / Supervisors / Irina Tal


Irina is an Assistant Professor, School of Computing, Dublin City University(DCU), and Academic Lead MSc in Blockchain – Distributed Ledger Technologies (partly funded by ICT Skillnet). She is teaching mainly in the Cyber Security area. Prior to joining DCU as an Assistant Professor, Irina was a Lecturer with National College of Ireland and Programme Director MSc Cybersecurity (part-time) and BSc in Computing and Business Information Systems (3rd and 4th years). She was also a Postdoctoral Researcher at DCU working on a H2020 EU project in the area of technology enhanced learning.
Her research interests are in the following areas: technology enhanced learning, cyber security, especially usable security, applications of blockchain, adaptive systems, vehicular communications and smart cities. Irina is a LERO funded investigator, being the co-PI on one of the projects funded by LERO and a collaborator on another one. She was the PI of the SFI funded project: PRIVATT – Irish Attitudes to Privacy in COVID19 Times and collaborator on the SFI Discover projects AI in My Life I and II (AI In My Life: AI, Ethics & Privacy Transition Year Workshops). Irina is currently a collaborator on DigiAdvance, a EU DIGITAL funded project, aimed at advancing the digital skills adoption for SMEs.
She isinterested in supervising projects related to 3 out of 4 the proposed directions of the DIGI+ project:
Data Governance
Digital Culture and Skills
Innovative Digital Technologies and Adoption

Research Areas:

Cyber security, blockchain, smart cities, technology enhanced learning