Cathal Gurrin is an Associate Professor at the School of Computing and the head of the Adapt Centre, at Dublin City University, Ireland. His research interests are focused on multimodal data analytics for personal user models.
He is especially interested in how wearable sensors can be used to infer knowledge about the real-world behaviours/activities of the individual and how these lifelogs can be used to enhance daily life experience through the provision of personalised AI-driven interventions.
He has been the General co-chair of ECIR 2011, MMM 2014, MB2016, MMM2017, CBMI 2019, ACM ICMR 2020, MMM2022, ECIR 2023 and will be and will be the general co-chair of ACM ICMR 2024 and ACM MM 2025. Additionally he is the founder of the annual Lifelog Search Challenge and NTCIR-Lifelog Task which has attracted over 100 participating groups worldwide.
He is looking to supervise any project related to personal data analytics. He is especially interested in the following:
– human behavioural analysis using sensors
– personal AI models for assistive technologies
– applications of personal data in health, wellness, memory support and eduction support
– point-of-view camera data analytics
– personal search engines for a lifetime of personal user-data