His research group, QxLab, currently has 3 postdoctoral fellow and 6 PhD students. They have active collaborations with multinational companies (e.g. Google and Xperi Corp) and have recently participated in a European Horizon 2020 Research Consortium using machine learning for Stroke Rehabilitation decision support systems. The group has postdocs with a range of experience. He seeks to mentor and match the research fellows activity to their career goals.
Previous postdocs in the group have gone on to careers in academia as lecturers (2), started their own company (1) and working in industry (2).
His research interests include machine learning, multimedia quality of experience, models for quality of life and regulating AI. My open source speech and audio quality technology won the RIA/AmCham Research Innovation Award in 2018 and is used extensively by streaming, tele-conferencing and hearing technology companies. He studies at Trinity College Dublin (BAI, MA, PhD), University College Dublin (MSc, MBA) and TU Dublin (Pg. Dip T&L).
He is a Senior member of IEEE and a founding committee member of the Audio Engineering Society (Ireland Section). As a principal investigator, he has secured several industry, national and European funding awards for research projects.
Types of projects he is looking to supervise
• Teleconferencing and/or codec quality prediction models
• Movie dialogue understandability enhancement models
• Health diagnostics: Deep learning models for acquired neurological speech disorders
• Music Quality for Cochlear Implant Users using AR/VR